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Error: “Automatic Configuration of the Current Version of Microsoft Access Has Failed. Your Database Might Not Function…”

This error points to an issue with the Microsoft Access installation on the workstation, and until this is resolved, LIMS will not function properly.

To resolve this issue, you will need to do the following:

  1. Ensure that the user logged in to the workstation has the proper permissions to make changes to the computer (admin permissions are best).
  2. Uninstall all of LIMS v6 using the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS feature on the computer.
  3. Verify that all of LIMS v6 have been removed by checking your C: drive (or wherever you installed LIMS) and verifying that no LIMS v6 folders still exist. Check each of the PROGRAM FILES folders for any LIMS v6 folders.
  4. Navigate to the USERS>PUBLIC folder on your C: drive to verify that no JStreetLIMS folders still exist.
  5. Uninstall Microsoft Access. This means that you will likely have to uninstall the Microsoft Office Suite as they are normally bundled together.
  6. Reboot the computer.
  7. Log in to the computer with a User that has admin permissions for that computer.
  8. Reinstall the Microsoft Office Suite (that includes Access).
  9. Reinstall LIMS v6.
  10. Follow the initial connection instructions to verify that you can successfully connect.
  11. Please note that a user without elevated computer permissions may not be able to perform certain functions within LIMS, such as import/export.
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