- Advanced Sample Queries Using SQL
- Finding Samples Missing Analysis Costs Using SQL
- Simplify Queries with SQL<br>Expressions
- Using Wildcard Pattern Matching in Queries
- SQL for Unique Queries
- Error: Unable to open database [LIMSdatabaseName] on [ServerName] via [ODBC Driver Name/Server Native Client] for SQL Server
- Querying the Most Recent N Samples
- Query by Sample Status
- Query Unapproved Samples
- Query Multiple Sample Batches
- How to Query Completed, Unreported, and Unapproved Batches
- Work Load Report
- Investigating Analysis Use
- Updated LIMS Data Query Workbook Now Available
- SQL Expression for Today’s Samples
- Automated Backups with SQL Server Express
- Error: "Cannot Connect To SQL Server" When Trying To Connect Other Workstations
- Error: "Microsoft Excel Is Waiting For LIMS To Complete An OLE Action"
- Creating Scheduled Backups Using SQL Server Express
- Creating A Backup Of Your LIMS SQL Database
- Access-to-SQL Server Database Migration Instructions
- MSC-LIMS v4 to SQL Server Migration Files.zip
- LIMS Upgrade Task Checklist
- Show All Articles (8) Collapse Articles
- Error: "Undefined function 'Replace$' in expression" when Importing from Excel
- Error: "Can't Find File MS09.DLL" When Starting LIMS
- Error: Unable to Attach LIMSDATA.MDB or its Location May Have Changed
- Issue: Missing Logos on Windows 2000 Workstations
- Issue: LIMS VBA Project is Not Fully Compiled
- Creating an LIMS 4.x Edit LimsCode Shortcut
- Updating LIMS 3.x Installation for Windows 7 and Office 2010 Compatibility
- Installing LIMS under Citrix or Remote Desktop Services
- Creating an LIMS 3.x Edit LimsCode Shortcut
- Moving LIMSDATA to a New Location
- Creating a Development Version of LIMSCODE
- Installing LIMS 2.x on a Machine with Access 2000
- Installing LIMS 2.x on a Machine with Access 2000
- Optimizing Microsoft Access Performance
- Using Barcodes With Other Windows Applications
- Using a Read-Only Version of LIMSDATA
- Show All Articles (1) Collapse Articles
- Use a Text List to Enter Special Symbols
- Simplify Queries with SQL<br>Expressions
- Using Wildcard Pattern Matching in Queries
- SQL for Unique Queries
- Copy Only Subtotals in Excel
- Quick Data Analysis with Excel
- Use a Dynamic Batch to Speed Login
- Adding a Label Number to labels
- Understanding the Hyperlink Base
- Inactive Items in Pick Lists
- Splitting One Sample Batch into Two
- Compact LimsData Regularly to<br>Improve Performance
- Sending Preliminary Reports with<br>Messaging
- Use a Project to Save Control Chart<br>Lines
- Prevent Samplers and Technicians<br>from Adding or Editing Locations
- Use Analytes to Bill for Services
- Understanding Analysis Specifications
- Values Imported from Excel
- Configuring Instrument Methods
- Create Excel Templates by Copying<br>Other Templates
- Using Customer Sample Login Options
- Verify Your Version 4.0 Setup Folder
- Using the Record Navigation Search<br>Field
- How to Move LimsData to a New Folder
- Creating Electronic Data Deliverables from a Report Template
- Find Projects with a Specific Analyte
- Delete or Inactivate a Customer
- Query Unapproved Samples
- Using the Zoom Window
- Sample Approval by Specific Users
- Keyboard Shortcuts Are Your Friend
- LIMS Users May Benefit from Thin Client Computing
- Date and Time Analyses
- Refine Queries by Selecting Samples
- Adding New Analyses in Specific Order
- Organizing Analyses
- Project vs. Analysis Costs
- Database Size Metrics
- Sample Documents
- Understanding Analysis Costs
- Clean Up your Error Log
- How Large is your Database?
- Adding or Deleting an Analysis from all Batch Samples
- Logging One-Time Customers
- Add Samples to an Existing Batch
- Query Multiple Sample Batches
- How Reliable are your Backups?
- Compact Routinely
- Result Value Formatting for Custom Numbers
- How to Use Location-Specific Analyses
- Database Maintenance and Performance
- Speed Data Entry with Text Lists
- Use the Ditto Keyboard Shortcut
- Integrating LIMS and ERP Systems
- How to Use Default Sample Descriptions
- Entering Results with Scientific Notation
- Sample Schedules
- Linking a Document to a Sample
- Custom Bar Code Not Printing
- Computer Configurations When No Domain Active Directory Present
- Analysis Values "H", "L", and "BDL"
- Creating Scheduled Backups Using SQL Server Express
- Creating A Backup Of Your LIMS SQL Database
- Configuring A New Profile For Messaging
- Access-to-SQL Server Database Migration Instructions
- MSC-LIMS v4 to SQL Server Migration Files.zip
- LIMS Upgrade Task Checklist
- Using Windows Authentication to Connect to SQL Server from Outside the Domain
- Error: "Unable to open database" Troubleshooting Guide
- Removing Users From LIMS
- Pinning J Street LIMS To Your Taskbar
- Installing J Street LIMS v6.0.1.7+ For Remote Desktop Use
- Show All Articles (57) Collapse Articles
- Use a Text List to Enter Special Symbols
- Error: "Undefined function 'Replace$' in expression" when Importing from Excel
- Error: "Can't Find File MS09.DLL" When Starting LIMS
- Error: Unable to Attach LIMSDATA.MDB or its Location May Have Changed
- Issue: Missing Logos on Windows 2000 Workstations
- Issue: LIMS VBA Project is Not Fully Compiled
- Creating an LIMS 4.x Edit LimsCode Shortcut
- Updating LIMS 3.x Installation for Windows 7 and Office 2010 Compatibility
- Installing LIMS under Citrix or Remote Desktop Services
- Creating an LIMS 3.x Edit LimsCode Shortcut
- Moving LIMSDATA to a New Location
- Creating a Development Version of LIMSCODE
- Installing LIMS 2.x on a Machine with Access 2000
- Installing LIMS 2.x on a Machine with Access 2000
- Optimizing Microsoft Access Performance
- Using Barcodes With Other Windows Applications
- Using a Read-Only Version of LIMSDATA
- Advanced Sample Queries Using SQL
- Finding Samples Missing Analysis Costs Using SQL
- Reducing Lock Conflicts With NetWare
- Reducing Multiuser Database Lock Conflicts
- Creating a New Excel Template Message Style in LIMS Messaging
- Timed Shutdown of LIMS Messaging
- Ctrl-; (semicolon) Keyboard Shortcut Does Not Work in Date Fields
- Entering Dates Using Keyboard Shortcuts
- Populating Sample Pick Lists
- Results by Analyte Display Column
- Result High and Low Warning Flags
- Add an Analysis to Many Projects
- Graph a Single Analyte
- Internal Data Analytes
- Reporting Specific Analytes for Multiple Samples
- When to First Archive Your LIMS Database
- Results by Analyte ‘Display’ Field
- Sampler vs. Employee
- Compact LimsData without LIMS
- Emailing Preliminary Results
- Using Barcode Hardware
- Conclusions Field Character Limit
- Report Results to more Decimal Places
- Synchronize Workstation Configuration Settings
- Incomplete Analyses Organized by Analyst
- Can We Rename The LIMS Database?
- Analysis Values "H", "L", and "BDL"
- Creating Scheduled Backups Using SQL Server Express
- Creating A Backup Of Your LIMS SQL Database
- Error: "Unable to open database" Troubleshooting Guide
- Show All Articles (32) Collapse Articles
Error Messages
- Error: "Can't Find File MS09.DLL" When Starting LIMS
- Error: "Undefined function 'Replace$' in expression" when Importing from Excel
- Error: Unable to Attach LIMSDATA.MDB or its Location May Have Changed
- Error: "Error running LIMSDATA .AfterTransferFromLIMS procedure in template… Type mismatch"
- Error: "in LoadWorkstation Configuration"
- Error: "The expression you entered has a function name that microsoft access can't find..."
- Error: Unable to open database [LIMSdatabaseName] on [ServerName] via [ODBC Driver Name/Server Native Client] for SQL Server
- Error: "The database cannot be opened because the VBA project…"
- Installing LIMS 2.x on a Machine with Access 2000
- Installing LIMS 2.x on a Machine with Access 2000
- Error: New User Login Account Fails
- LimsCode Size Warning
- Error with a Period in Messaging<br>Attachment File Name
- Error in GetCurrentUsers:<br>Unrecognized database format
- Unwanted MIN and MAX Warnings
- View Current Users Fails
- Messaging’s Email Subjects
- Understanding the LimsCode Size Warning
- Startup Errors
- Error: in CopyRecordsetToWorksheet
- Error in FrmSetupUsers.Form_Open
- Error Querying Samples: "DateTime2"
- Error: "Date And Time Entered Is Earlier Than The Sample's Collected Date And Time"
- Error: "A Runtime Error Has Occurred. "Contact Your LIMS AdministratorError: LoadWorkstationConfiguration"
- Error: "ErrorRunning LIMSDATA.AfterTransferFromLIMS"...
- Error: The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'MSysDb'
- Error: "Cannot Connect To SQL Server" When Trying To Connect Other Workstations
- Error: "Microsoft Excel Is Waiting For LIMS To Complete An OLE Action"
- LIMS Messaging: Clicking Start Causes The Application To Close
- Users Missing From Admin>User Screen in LIMS
- Error: "Unable to open database" Troubleshooting Guide
- Pinning J Street LIMS To Your Taskbar
- Error in SigDigits in Excel Data Import
- Show All Articles (18) Collapse Articles
- Error: "Undefined function 'Replace$' in expression" when Importing from Excel
- Error: "Can't Find File MS09.DLL" When Starting LIMS
- Error: Unable to Attach LIMSDATA.MDB or its Location May Have Changed
- Issue: Missing Logos on Windows 2000 Workstations
- Issue: LIMS VBA Project is Not Fully Compiled
- Issue: Excel Cell Formats Change After Copying Data From LIMSData Worksheet
- Incomplete Samples with All Results
- Who Deleted Samples and When
- Results by Analyte Display Column
- Results Entry Inserting Login Name Instead of Initials
- Understanding the LimsCode Size Warning
- Troubleshoot Network Problems with a Local LimsData
- Cannot Log In After New Workstation Install
- Error: "Cannot Connect To SQL Server" When Trying To Connect Other Workstations
- Computer Configurations When No Domain Active Directory Present
- Issue: Receiving Flagged Results After Changing Analysis Specs
- Analysis Values "H", "L", and "BDL"
- Creating A Backup Of Your LIMS SQL Database
- Users Missing From Admin>User Screen in LIMS
- Using Windows Authentication to Connect to SQL Server from Outside the Domain
- Error: "Unable to open database" Troubleshooting Guide
- Error in SigDigits in Excel Data Import
- Show All Articles (7) Collapse Articles
User Defined Reports
- Developing and Testing a UDR Without Requerying Data
- Hiding a UDR Column
- Issue: UDR Summary Statistics Do Not Work On Columns With Expressions
- UDR Formula and Expression Dependency Rules
- Create an Invoice Summary Report
- Save LIMS Reports to PDF Files
- Automated Final Report Footnotes in<br>Excel
- Calculate Sample Turnaround with a UDR
- Sample Turnaroun
File Library
Downloads & Documentation Library
- LIMS Installation Guide v6
- LIMS User Guide v6
- Computer Configurations When No Domain Active Directory Present
- Downloads
- LIMS Release Notes v6
- LIMS Programmer's Guide v6
- LIMS Messaging Guide v6
- Updating Messaging v6 ODBC Driver and Database Connection
- Access-to-SQL Server Database Migration Instructions
- MSC-LIMS v4 to SQL Server Migration Files.zip
- LIMS Upgrade Task Checklist
- Instructions for Updating Custom LIMS Excel Templates
- J Street LIMS v6 System Requirements Addendum
- Using Windows Authentication to Connect to SQL Server from Outside the Domain
- Error: "Unable to open database" Troubleshooting Guide
- J Street LIMS v6.0.1.7 Changelog
- Installing J Street LIMS v6.0.1.7+ For Remote Desktop Use
- Show All Articles (3) Collapse Articles
- LIMS User Guide v5
- LIMS Messaging Guide v5
- LIMS Release Notes v5
- LIMS Annual Maintenance & Support Policy
- Add LIMS Analyses
- Add LIMS Customers
- CofA Example by Requirement
- LIMS User Guide v6
- LIMS Installation Guide v6
- View Index Fragmentation
- Downloads
- Computer Configurations When No Domain Active Directory Present
- LIMS Release Notes v6
- LIMS Programmer's Guide v6
- LIMS Messaging Guide v6
- Installing Existing LIMS v4 On A New Workstation
- Access-to-SQL Server Database Migration Instructions
- MSC-LIMS v4 to SQL Server Migration Files.zip
- LIMS Upgrade Task Checklist
- Instructions for Updating Custom LIMS Excel Templates
- Error: "Unable to open database" Troubleshooting Guide
- J Street LIMS v6.0.1.7 Changelog
- Show All Articles (8) Collapse Articles
Bench Sheets
Excel Interface
- Issue: Excel Cell Formats Change After Copying Data From LIMSData Worksheet
- Interface BAX Instrument with LIMS Software
- How to Display Sample Characteristics in an Import by Sample Template
- How to Read the Contents of a LIMS Report Control from Excel
- How to Remove a Template's LIMS Infrastructure
- How to Update Template References for LIMS 3.x
- How to Use Customer and Outside Lab Lists in a MS Word Mail Merge
- Query Data with the LIMS Data Query Workbook
- Importing formatted analysis results<br>from Excel
- Current Example Excel Export Templates
- Creating a Basic Excel Export Template
- Create Custom Container Labels with Excel
- Values Imported from Excel
- Create Excel Templates by Copying<br>Other Templates
- Using Excel’s Formula Evaluator
- Accessing Excel’s Name Manager
- Significant Figure Rounding in Excel
- Importing Result Types from Excel
- Excel Template’s ‘LIMS Access Version’ Setting
- Date and Time of Results Imported from Excel
- Getting Started with Excel Template Reports
- Improve Excel Reports with Conditional Formatting
- Introduction to LIMS’ Excel VBA Macros
- Creating a Basic Excel Import Template
- Using Date and Time Analyses
- How to Copy and Open an Excel Template
- Export Analysis Results to Excel
- Importing Dates from Excel
- Check your Excel Template’s LIMSAccessVersion
- AnalysisResultFormatted and AnalysisResult Fields in Excel
- Create a Tabular Report with an EDD Template
- How to Debug an Excel Template Macro
- Creating Protected Excel Workbooks
- Round or use Excel’s “Precision as<br>Displayed”
- Changing a Sample Pick List’s Column Contents
- Log Samples from Excel
- Export a Customer List
- How to Evaluate Excel Formulas Incrementally
- Quick Data Export to Excel
- Selecting Excel Template Folders
- Excel Template Report Disclaimers
- Excel Template Folders in Version 5.x
- Showing LIMSData Sheet Data in an Excel Template
- Custom Bar Code Not Printing
- Error in SigDigits in Excel Data Import
- Show All Articles (30) Collapse Articles
Table/Field Names
- February 2022: Newsletter
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User Roles
How to Update Template References for LIMS 3.x
The information in this article applies to LIMS 2.x and newer.
If any of your LIMS workstations either now have or in the past had multiple versions of Microsoft Access and you have Excel export templates that query the LIMS for additional data such as those used with the Sample Summary report, you may need to update the template’s references to work correctly with LIMS version 3.x. This article provides step-by-step instructions to update the Excel template so it correctly queries the Access 2002 database used with LIMS version 3.x.
More Information
Typically, Excel export templates used with LIMS’ Sample Summary report require special consideration when LIMS is upgraded to a newer version of Microsoft Access. These templates normally query the LIMS for additional data since only data behind the Sample Summary report’s main report is exported automatically. Analytical results, which are part of a subreport, are not automatically exported. If your template includes an AnalysisData, LookupTable, or Customer worksheet it probably queries the LIMS to populate the worksheet.
To query the LIMS, an Excel template must include a reference to Microsoft Access and to Microsoft’s Data Access Objects (DAO). Adding a reference to another application or component allows an Excel workbook’s Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros to access the application’s objects. To query the data successfully in environments where multiple versions of Access are used, a template may have been configured to work specifically with Access 97 for LIMS version 2.x. Follow the steps below to update the template’s references and to set the Access version so it will work correctly with LIMS version 3.x.
Step One: Verify that the template queries the LIMS.
Step Two: Update the references.
Step Three: Set the Access version number.
Step One: Verify that the template queries the LIMS.
Only templates that query LIMS for additional data must be updated. To verify whether a template queries the LIMS, simply check for an existing reference to the Microsoft Access Object Library. Open the template in Excel, use Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor or Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor, then use Tools | References to view the current references for the template’s VBA project. If any version of the Microsoft Access Object Library is currently selected or marked “Missing”, you should proceed to step 2 below to update the references. If the Microsoft Access Object Library is not selected, the template does not query the LIMS for data so no updates are required.
Step Two: Update the references.
To update the references in your template, simply remove the references to the earlier versions of the Microsoft Access and Microsoft DAO object libraries then select the new versions. Open the template in Excel, use Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor or Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor, then use Tools | References to open the references dialog for the template’s VBA project. Uncheck (i.e. turn off) the references for Microsoft Access 8.0 Object Library and Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library. Now scroll down and select the Microsoft Access 10.0 Object Library and Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. Note that 10.0 is the version number for Access 2002, the version used with LIMS 3.x.
The screen above shows an example of the references for one template. In addition to the Microsoft Access 10.0 and Microsoft DAO 3.6 object library references, your template may include additional references not shown in this example. Click the [OK] button to close the references dialog, use File | Close or Alt+Q to close the VBA Editor and return to Excel then save your changes.
Step Three: Set the Access version number.
When your template queries the LIMS for data, it includes VBA code that creates a connection to the running instance of LIMS. Whether the VBA code currently looks for any running version of Access or a specific Access version, it should be updated to look for Access version 10.0 (i.e. Access 2002).
To set the Access version number, open your template in Excel. Use the Name box (i.e. the pick list at the intersection of row and column labels) to see if your template has a “LIMSAccessVersion” named range. If the LIMSAccessVersion name exists, select it to move to that cell, change the value in the cell to 10 then close and save your template and you are finished. The screen below shows the LIMSAccessVersion cell in the LIMS Data Query workbook.
If your template does not include a LIMSAccessVersion named range, you must set the Access version in the template’s VBA code. Use Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor or Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. If it is not already displayed use View | Project Explorer or Ctrl+R to display the Project Explorer. In the Project Explorer pane, double-click LIMSData under Microsoft Excel Objects to view the LIMSData sheet’s VBA code. Use Edit | Find or Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog, enter “Get Object” in the Find What field then click the [Find Next] button to locate either of the following lines:
Set objAccess = GetObject(, "Access.Application") Set objAccess = GetObject(, "Access.Application.8")
Change or append the Access version number in the applicable line above so it now reads:
Set objAccess = GetObject(, "Access.Application.10")
The screen below shows an example in the VBA Editor with the Access version number properly set to 10.
Use Debug | Compile VBAProject to check for errors. If an error is detected the offending line of VBA code will be highlighted with an error message. When there are no errors use File | Close or Alt+Q to close the VBA Editor and return to Excel then close the template saving your changes.