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Installing J Street LIMS v6.0.1.7+ For Remote Desktop Use

With J Street LIMS v6.0.1.7 and later versions, there is a useful update for those that rely on Remote Desktop for their team’s LIMS access.

With v6.0.1.7 and later versions, the LimsLauncher.exe will create individual user folders when you install (including during updates, if no previous user folder is found).

Why Is This a Remote Desktop User Benefit?

This change allows multiple users to log in to LIMS when installed on a server. In the past Remote Desktop installations required that each user had to have their own “copy” of LIMS on the server, if you wanted more than one person to log in at the same time. Now creating multiple instances is no longer necessary.

So how do I Install my J Street LIMS v6.0.17+ for Remote Desktop Use?

Simple download the LIMS installation/update to your server, open the install, and follow the installation prompts. That’s it! LIMS will do all the “behind the scenes” work to allow your team to connect to LIMS.

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