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Results by Analyte ‘Display’ Field

After moving their LIMS installation from an older workstation to a new workstation, a user asked about a difference noticed in the Results by Analyte screen:

“You can see that [old workstation] shows “location” with sample ID’s. The [new workstation] shows date collected in place of location. The locations are important to have for cross referencing. Is that something you can look into please?”

There is a simple explanation and solution. To help distinguish samples, the first column on the Result by Analyte screen will always list the sample ID. However, the content of the second column, which defaults to collected date, is configurable and saved with the LIMS workstation’s settings. These workstation settings remain with the machine and are not migrated to a new workstation’s installation.

To restore the behavior from the old workstation, select the Results by Analyte option on the LIMS main menu to open the Results Entry by Analyte Setup screen shown above. Set the Display field on this screen to the sample field you want to appear in the Results by Analyte screen’s second column. For example, set the Display field to Location to restore the behavior from the earlier workstation. The contents of the Display field on the Results Entry by Analyte Setup screen are saved with the Workstation Configuration screen’s settings on the local drive so you only need to set it once and it will remain selected. Note that since the Display field selection is workstation-specific, workstations in a multi-user installation may each have a different Display field selected.

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